1.)Pygmies constitute a temporary camp in the forest, northeast of the city of Lomié (Cameroon), in order to harvest the surrounding mangoes. This activity can last a few months. Pygmies are a seminomadic people who are becoming increasingly based.
2.)Now is the time to harvest mangoes. (Irvinga gabonesis), which consists in picking the ripe fruit off the ground, is an valuable source of income for the Africa Baka pygmies.
3.)a mangoes gathering is a family work conventional carried out by women and children, while the men ensure that the camp remains secure.
4.)Mangoes are primarily split in half with a machete, to recover the flesh and the stones, the kernels.
5.)wealthy in fat,witamins and proteins, mango kernels are an important food supplement that contains all the amino acids very important to humans.
6.)Once the kernels are extracted, the needs to be done is to peel off the thin membrane around them.
7.) Mango raw food is also used to make fruit extract and jam.